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32 Distinct Subsequences Space Optimization Using Single Array

class Solution:
    def SpaceOptimizationApproach(self, str1, index1, str2, index2, prev):
        # TODO: Single array Space Optimization Approach
        # Base Case: if we return 1 when index2 < 0
        prev[0] = 1

        for indx1 in range(1, index1 + 1):
            for indx2 in range(index2, 0, -1):
                if str1[indx1 - 1] == str2[indx2 - 1]:
                    pickedIndex2 = prev[indx2 - 1]
                    notPickedIndex2 = prev[indx2]
                    prev[indx2] = pickedIndex2 + notPickedIndex2
                    prev[indx2] = prev[indx2]

        return prev[index2]

    def numDistinct(self, s, t):
        i = len(s)
        j = len(t)
        prev = [0] * (j + 1)
        return self.SpaceOptimizationApproach(s, i, t, j, prev)

ans = Solution()
s = "rabbbit"
t = "rabbit"
print(ans.numDistinct(s, t))

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